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Orphek 60 CM OR3 UV/Violet LED Lighting (Rec Retail $313.50)

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For Wholesale pricing please click on login
For SPS/LPS/Soft coral growth and Actinic fluorescent coral “pop”
The OR3 bar LEDs contain newly developed and customised, 5w Dual-Chip power LEDs that are an advancement in technology and are highly efficient. Operating at 50% of the previous LEDs, the new OR3 models are more resistant to higher heat and offer the highest PAR longevity with minimum loss over time. Lenses have also been improved for the new version launch. 
Now utilising the same LEDs as the highly acclaimed Atlantik series, the OR3 series offers increased flexible lighting solutions available in 2 spectrums and 3 length sizes.
The OR3 can be installed stand alone primary or as a supplementary light source to an existing fixture to improve visual appearance, reduce shadowing or to increase PAR/PUR.